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This function generates the hexagonal object.


hex_binning(data, bin1 = 4, r2, q = 0.1)



A tibble that contains embedding components.


Number of bins along the x axis.


The ratio of the ranges of the original embedding components.


The buffer amount as proportion of data range.


A object that contains numeric vector that contains bins along the x and y axes respectively (bins), numeric vector that contains hexagonal starting point coordinates all hexagonal bin centroids (centroids), hexagonal coordinates of the full grid(hex_poly), embedding components with their corresponding hexagon IDs (data_hb_id), hex bins with their corresponding standardise counts (std_cts), total number of hex bins(tot_bins), number of non-empty hex bins (non_bins) and points within each hexagon (pts_bins).


r2 <- diff(range(s_curve_noise_umap$UMAP2))/diff(range(s_curve_noise_umap$UMAP1))
num_bins_x <- 4
hex_binning(data = s_curve_noise_umap_scaled, bin1 = num_bins_x,
r2 = r2, q = 0.1)
#> $bins
#> [1] 4 8
#> $start_point
#> [1] -0.1000000 -0.2019414
#> $centroids
#> # A tibble: 32 × 3
#>    hexID     c_x    c_y
#>    <int>   <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1 -0.1    -0.202
#>  2     2  0.283  -0.202
#>  3     3  0.666  -0.202
#>  4     4  1.05   -0.202
#>  5     5  0.0915  0.130
#>  6     6  0.474   0.130
#>  7     7  0.857   0.130
#>  8     8  1.24    0.130
#>  9     9 -0.1     0.461
#> 10    10  0.283   0.461
#> # ℹ 22 more rows
#> $hex_poly
#> # A tibble: 192 × 3
#>    hex_poly_id       x       y
#>          <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1           1 -0.1     0.0191
#>  2           1 -0.291  -0.0914
#>  3           1 -0.291  -0.312 
#>  4           1 -0.1    -0.423 
#>  5           1  0.0915 -0.312 
#>  6           1  0.0915 -0.0914
#>  7           2  0.283   0.0191
#>  8           2  0.0915 -0.0914
#>  9           2  0.0915 -0.312 
#> 10           2  0.283  -0.423 
#> # ℹ 182 more rows
#> $data_hb_id
#> # A tibble: 75 × 4
#>     UMAP1  UMAP2    ID hb_id
#>     <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <int>
#>  1 0.0804 0.320      1     5
#>  2 0.739  1.00       2    19
#>  3 0.840  1.08       3    19
#>  4 0.167  0.0432     4     5
#>  5 0.263  0.398      6    10
#>  6 0.838  2.01       7    31
#>  7 0.734  0.972      8    19
#>  8 0.627  0.721      9    14
#>  9 0.810  1.01      11    19
#> 10 0.903  1.87      12    28
#> # ℹ 65 more rows
#> $std_cts
#> # A tibble: 11 × 3
#>    hb_id     n std_counts
#>    <int> <int>      <dbl>
#>  1     5    14      1    
#>  2     6     3      0.214
#>  3     9     3      0.214
#>  4    10     6      0.429
#>  5    14     9      0.643
#>  6    15     2      0.143
#>  7    19    11      0.786
#>  8    23     4      0.286
#>  9    27     9      0.643
#> 10    28     9      0.643
#> 11    31     5      0.357
#> $tot_bins
#> [1] 32
#> $non_bins
#> [1] 11
#> $pts_bins
#> # A tibble: 11 × 2
#>    hexID pts_list    
#>    <int> <named list>
#>  1     5 <int [75]>  
#>  2    19 <int [75]>  
#>  3    10 <int [75]>  
#>  4    31 <int [75]>  
#>  5    14 <int [75]>  
#>  6    28 <int [75]>  
#>  7     9 <int [75]>  
#>  8    23 <int [75]>  
#>  9    15 <int [75]>  
#> 10     6 <int [75]>  
#> 11    27 <int [75]>  
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hex_bin_obj"